Diesel engines contain different internal metals that expand and contract at varying rates. While these metals are necessary for operation, gaps between various parts can lead to poor sealing and another common challenge — excessive blowby. Read our guide or view our products to find solutions for your problems. What Is Blowby in a Diesel …
It’s hard to believe that it has been over 25 years since the market began learning about all the problems that would arise from both the 6.0L and 7.3L Power Stroke diesel engines and their HEUI injector systems. Since the HEUI injectors came in direct contact with the engine oil, many injectors failed as oil …
Using an engine flush is a common way to clear out the buildup in your engine, but there is a lot you should take into consideration before making this decision. An engine flush is not always the best choice for your vehicle. What Is an Engine Flush? An engine flush is an aftermarket chemical additive …
Turbos are great additions to the modern combustion engine. Simply put: they take wasted air and turn it into power, efficiency, and cool sounds. For Diesel owners we love that whistling sound the turbo provides and of course the extra ompf. However, today’s efficiency standards are pushing manufacturers to put turbos in just about every …
Is your vehicle dealing with stiction? Although stiction is mostly seen in Ford 6.0L and 7.3L engines, stiction can be an issue on any vehicle. This sticky friction is caused by caked-on oil varnish build-up residue that occurs on HEUI-type diesel injectors, bearings, turbos, and engine components. Stiction build-up often results in hard starts, rough …
How the Original Stiction Eliminator Was Developed When there’s a problem with something, the natural reaction is to find a way to fix it. However, when you are one of the largest engine manufacturers in the world and you come across a problem with a motor that has already penetrated the industry, you better act …
A note from Chris Gabrelcik- Certified Lubrication Specialist (CLS) and Certified Oil Monitoring Analyst (OMA), CEO of Hot Shot’s Secret: Dr. Roger Dale England, vice president, chief R&D officer, Valvoline, Inc., explains that the primary oil degradation routes are oxidation and nitration. “Today’s engines run hotter and at higher temperatures than older engines, and this …
As we turn the calendar on the first month of 2021 it is a good time to look back on 2020. It was certainly a year that no one could have predicted the challenges. For us, as a company it was challenging, but we came out of it even stronger. During the toughest of times, …
How to Prep Your RV For Your Next Road Trip For some, there is no better time of the year than when the first warm day rolls around and it’s time to open up your home on wheels for the season. Or maybe you’re lucky enough to travel the country avoiding winter weather year round. …