Turbos are great additions to the modern combustion engine. Simply put: they take wasted air and turn it into power, efficiency, and cool sounds. For Diesel owners we love that whistling sound the turbo provides and of course the extra ompf. However, today’s efficiency standards are pushing manufacturers to put turbos in just about every gasoline vehicle. The turbo addition helps these manufacturers reach a level of fuel efficiency without sacrificing horsepower. So they can still make those cool marketing claims on their ads that all look and sound the same. Unfortunately with strict efficiency standards oil can burn up, causing, you guessed it, stiction (sticky friction).
Stiction occurs when oil burns and becomes a gummy, sticky residue that seriously hinders the performance and the life of your engine. Simply changing the oil will not solve the problem and adding a nano lubricant will only mask the problem and not solve the underlying problem, stiction. While Hot Shot’s Stiction Eliminator was originally developed to solve the stiction problem with HEUI injectors in diesel engines it’s powers do not simply stop there. Stiction Eliminator cleans the entire oil side of the engine of stiction, this includes your turbo. Yes, that means you with your 4-cylinder turbocharged engine. That engine is working extra hard and a byproduct of that hard work is a lot of stiction. Much of the stiction occurs when you turn off the engine. The oil, now not circulating in the turbo, continues to cook on the hot turbo bearings. Making it extremely important that you add Stiction Eliminator to your maintenance plan. Doing so will dramatically increase the life of your engine, increase fuel efficiency, power, and save you from replacing your turbo. In fact, Stiction Eliminator was shown in 3rd party testing to reduce engine wear by 62% and remove 50% more stiction than competitor products. So if you know you have a stiction issue or don’t want to wait until you notice that you do, trust the removal and protection from stiction to the original Stiction Eliminator.
Again, while developed for a problem with diesel engines Stiction Eliminator is made for all engines, it doesn’t discriminate. If your engine uses oil, well it’s going to create stiction whether you like it or not. If you’re driving a highly efficient engine with tight tolerances then your stiction problem is likely to be exacerbated. Start out by adding Striction Eliminator to every 3rd oil change. This will clean out the entire oil side of your engine and prevent damaging buildup of stiction in your engine and turbo. Oh, and the other “stiction” products on the market contain harmful solvents that can do more harm than good in your engine. Stiction Eliminator is designed to safely remove stiction from your engine and has no harmful solvents. It’s designed to provide extra lubrication, safely remove stiction, and stay in your engine as long as your oil is supposed to be.
So you might have thought just because you don’t drive a diesel you’re safe from stiction, well turns out you’re just as or even more susceptible to stiction than your diesel counterparts. Just remember that turbo is working extra hard! Treat it right with Stiction Eliminator every third oil change and you’ll be golden, not stiction black.