Turbos are great additions to the modern combustion engine. Simply put: they take wasted air and turn it into power, efficiency, and cool sounds. For Diesel owners we love that whistling sound the turbo provides and of course the extra ompf. However, today’s efficiency standards are pushing manufacturers to put turbos in just about every …
How the Original Stiction Eliminator Was Developed When there’s a problem with something, the natural reaction is to find a way to fix it. However, when you are one of the largest engine manufacturers in the world and you come across a problem with a motor that has already penetrated the industry, you better act …
Seeing your fuel mileage tumble, noticing a harder start up, and possibly even a rough idle are signs you need to visit the fuel injector cleaner aisle at your local auto parts store. Once you stroll down that aisle you instantly have a sensory overload with flashy colors, familiar and unfamiliar names, “guarantees”, and benefit …
As we turn the calendar on the first month of 2021 it is a good time to look back on 2020. It was certainly a year that no one could have predicted the challenges. For us, as a company it was challenging, but we came out of it even stronger. During the toughest of times, …
Winter and cold weather can really bring you down. Not only does it get dark earlier and become too cold out to do much, but your vehicle’s fuel economy just gets worse and worse. There are a lot of reasons why your fuel economy suffers in the winter, by some estimates fuel economy goes down …
As the temperature starts to dip lower it is time to start prepping for the upcoming winter season. If you own a camper of any type – Motorhome, travel trailer or pop up – it means more than just prepping the plumbing system from old man winter. With the proper care and attention, your home …
Enhance Your Vehicle’s Maintenance Plan If you’ve dropped down some major cash on your new ride, you might be thinking to yourself, how do I protect my investment? The first step is basic vehicle maintenance such as regular oil changes, checking tire pressure, checking fluid levels and rotating your tires. An enhanced maintenance plan would …
Owning a car is no longer an honor for the elite in society, but rather a necessity for modern living. Families can enjoy a comfortable drive during the weekend without experiencing the inconvenience of using public transport. Gas prices are trending lower than they have for several years, however, consumers can never save too much. …
Any large asset purchase comes with inherent road blocks, but buying a house or car is particularly daunting. If you’re buying a used model, you can’t always be sure how the previous owners took care of it. So if you’re buying a used car, what do you do? You can normally get a pretty good …