Many diesel owners are aware that diesel is not the high-quality product it once was. A lawsuit claiming that the Bosch CP4 high-pressure fuel injection pump installed within a variety of diesel vehicles is failing prematurely. Many are questioning the use of the CP4 and how to avoid becoming another statistic of costly repairs. Luckily …
When it comes to maintenance and protection of your vehicle, oftentimes people will associate additives for only the winter months. While it is important to use additives in the winter months, it is important to maintain that same protection in the hotter summer months. Since you won’t be using the more winter-appropriate products in the …
Kyle was invited onto The Diesel Podcast to talk diesel fuel. They wanted to know how bad is the fuel right from the pump? Is there a big difference from station to station and how can we protect our fuel systems? Give a listen to learn more about the quality of diesel. The Diesel Podcast …
As we turn the calendar on the first month of 2021 it is a good time to look back on 2020. It was certainly a year that no one could have predicted the challenges. For us, as a company it was challenging, but we came out of it even stronger. During the toughest of times, …
Lubricity has always been an important factor in the quality of diesel fuels. Although more recent changes to fuel itself and tighter tolerances in modern engines, makes understanding a fuel’s
lubricity more important now, than ever. To fully understand how to interpret a fuel’s lubricity, it is helpful to understand how the lubricity rating is achieved. There are many standard test
methods to determine lubricity, however the most common and perhaps the most effective is the High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR) test using the ASTM D-6079 test method.