What To Do If Your Diesel Fuel Gels If you drive a diesel vehicle, you must consider diesel fuel gelling as part of your preventive maintenance routine. Diesel fuel gelling occurs when the fuel thickens or ‘gels’ in cold temperatures, which can hinder the engine’s operations and significantly impact your vehicle’s ability to start. It is …
Diesel fuel is mildly hygroscopic, attracting and absorbing moisture from out of the air. Water can also enter the fuel system from poorly maintained storage tanks at diesel fuel retailers. Regularly leaving water in the fuel system can cause numerous issues, including rust and corrosion, icing in winter months and microbial growth. As an additive manufacturer, we prevent water-related …
Investing in quality fuel protects your car and improves mileage Pain at the Pump Every day you drive past gas stations and watch the fuel prices tick upward. That is when a powerless feeling settles in knowing that you have no choice but to bite the bullet and pay sky high prices for the same …
It is getting to that time of year when the temperature is dropping and diesels aren’t particularly fond of the cold weather, especially when it gets below 0° F. Treating fuel with an anti-gel should be pretty easy, you should be able to just dump it in and be on your way right? Well almost… …
Whoever called it the most wonderful time of the year needs to reevaluate themselves. Winter is dark, cold, and a pain in the butt to get anything done. Unless you plow snow for a living, you probably can’t wait for winter to be over. Winter is not only hard on you and your body, it’s …
When the seasons change, so should your maintenance on your vehicle. The transition from fall to winter is particularly important. As the road conditions become more hazardous with the icy signature of the winter months, keeping a careful eye on the state of your vehicles becomes crucial. To keep your vehicle running optimally, there are …
Many diesel owners are aware that diesel is not the high-quality product it once was. A lawsuit claiming that the Bosch CP4 high-pressure fuel injection pump installed within a variety of diesel vehicles is failing prematurely. Many are questioning the use of the CP4 and how to avoid becoming another statistic of costly repairs. Luckily …
The sun is shining, you can feel the warm sun on the back of your neck as you pump that over-priced diesel fuel into your truck. You open your door and grab that half-full bottle of Hot Shot’s Secret Everyday Diesel Treatment (EDT) with a smile knowing you have finally figured out what keeps your …
Let’s take a minute and get down to the basics of diesel fuel gelling. In this article, we’ll cover ways to prevent diesel fuel gelling and how to treat diesel fuel once gelling has already started. Why Does Diesel Fuel Gel? Gelling occurs in diesel fuel when the temperature of the fuel drops so low …