Diesel Extreme 1qt

Diesel Extreme

$14.99 - $349.99

Diesel Extreme

Concentrated Injector Cleaner & Cetane Booster
DIESEL EXTREME is a fully formulated, concentrated cleaner that removes all internal diesel injector deposits (IDIDs) including waxy and polymeric deposits. In addition, DIESEL EXTREME contains a top tier level of cetane booster, lubricity additive, and fuel stabilizer to provide maximum performance while cleaning the fuel system.

Diesel Extreme named Best Diesel Additive by Motortrend


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Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme is a premium 6-in-1 diesel additive, containing the most concentrated detergent formula on the market. Diesel Extreme fuel additive is formulated to resolve issues related to Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel and greatly improve your truck’s performance and fuel economy.

Engineered with specific detergents, Diesel Extreme will safely remove and prevent Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDIDs), External Diesel Injector Deposits (EDID’s) and other forms of varnish and deposits that cause scaring and wear, which leads to premature failure of fuel system components, including fuel pumps and injectors. Diesel Extreme fuel additive also includes a powerful cetane improver, improving your diesel fuel’s cetane rating up to seven points, to improve combustibility, horsepower and fuel economy. By improving combustibility, this diesel fuel treatment reduces the number of diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration cycles that are needed. Diesel Extreme also contains a lubricity enhancer to further reduce wear, a water dispersant, rust and corrosion inhibitors and a fuel stabilizer.

Diesel Extreme fuel additive will improve your diesel’s fuel economy, increase horsepower, clean injectors, improves cold starts, eliminate excessive black smoke and improve reliability. This diesel cleaner additive is recommended for use in all diesel engines.

This diesel fuel cleaner product is safe for all emissions equipment.

  • 100% SATISFACTION or your money back
  • GUARANTEED not to void your manufacturer’s warranty
  • Prop 65 Warning SymbolWARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm –

Treat Ratio:
2 quarts treat 160 gallons of diesel fuel.
1 quart treats 80 gallons of diesel fuel.
16 oz. bottle treats 40 gallons of diesel fuel.

Recommended Frequency:
Use one treatment of Diesel Extreme every 6000 miles.


Diesel Extreme is extremely effective in middle distillate fuels to improve combustion and ignition efficiency, enhance fuel economy and maintain fuel in a clean, stabilized condition. Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme is safe in all diesel engines: semi-trucks, pick-up trucks, farm equipment and autos. Including but not limited to: Ford Powerstroke, Dodge Cummins, GM Duramax, Saab, Volkswagen, and Audi.

Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme is formulated with specific detergents to safely remove and prevent Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDIDs), External Diesel Injector Deposits (EDID’s) and other forms of varnish and deposits. Not all diesel additives on the market will remove IDIDs, as a special detergent is needed.

In order to effectively improve your diesel’s fuel economy, horsepower and combustibility, your fuel system needs to be clean of deposits and run fuel with a high cetane rating. Diesel Extreme not only cleans exceptionally well, it also provides a powerful cetane boost of up to 7 points. This allows for the fuel to burn more efficiently, increasing performance while also reducing diesel particulate filter (DPF) regenerations. The lubricity additive in Diesel Extreme also increases your fuel’s lubricity, improving protection and reducing wear. This helps combat the ill-effects of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel.

Diesel Extreme is a fully-formulated 6-in-1 diesel additive that addresses both common and uncommon problems with diesel fuel, making sure your diesel is always running at peak performance.

Chart Competitor Compare Diesel Extreme

The Science

The introduction of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) coupled with today’s highly engineered fuel systems are creating new problems for diesel owners. Sulfur was a very good lubricant. The removal of sulfur causes all the moving parts in your fuel system to suffer. Waxy soap deposits that were soluble in higher sulfur content fuels are now being formed and are difficult to filter. Fuel systems incorporating High Pressure Common Rail Injectors operate at higher pressures which create high heat. This heat chemically changes the hydrocarbons in the fuel to longer chain hydrocarbons called asphaltenes, which can block fuel filters. The tolerances for the Common Rail injectors are very tight, sometimes around 1-3 microns. This means even small deposits can cause an injector to stick.

Several sources of sodium and calcium contamination occur from residual refinery salts, storage tanks, ship ballasts and biodiesel catalysts, to name a few. Dodecenyl succinic acid (DDS) and hexadecenyl succinic acid (HDS) are commonly found in certain pipeline corrosion inhibitors, refineries and aftermarket additive packages. When the contamination from the sodium or calcium reacts with the DDS or HDS, carboxylic salts are formed. These carboxylic salts have very low solubility in ULSD and are very difficult to filter. They end up depositing on the internals of your fuel injectors causing what are known as Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDID’s).

Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme was formulated to resolve these issues. Diesel Extreme is fully formulated with a powerful injector cleaner, cetane improver, neutral and sulfur free lubricity agent, water dispersant, rust and corrosion inhibitor and fuel stabilizer. Diesel Extreme’s injector cleaner specifically cleans IDID’s as well as the original carbon coking External Diesel Injector Deposits (EDID’s) and waxy soap deposits. Diesel Extreme’s powerful injector cleaner will also clean all components of your fuel system, including upper cylinders, fuel tank, fuel pumps and lines. The injector cleaner is also responsible for bringing asphaltenes and glycerides back into solution and preventing further asphaltenes and glycerides from forming.

With your diesel fuel void of carboxylic salts, waxy deposits, asphaltenes and glycerides in suspension, the problems with filter plugging and injector deposits are solved. DDS and HDS acids are neutralized by the injector cleaner to keep more carboxylic salts from forming. Independent testing has shown that power loss is restored up to 87% in the Peugeot CEC F98-08 DW-10 test with the keep clean level of injector cleaner found in Diesel Extreme. It also passes the ASTM D2068 Filter Blocking Test.

The Cetane levels found in diesel fuel in most states are around 42 to 45. The minimum required by ASTM D 975 is 40. Most diesel engines operate more efficiently with a fuel that has a cetane rating of 48 to 50. Fuels with higher cetane burn more efficiently and more completely than those with lower cetane ratings. Diesel Extreme contains a cetane improver that will raise your cetane number up to 7 points. There are many advantages to an increase cetane numbers. Cold starting is improved, and less black smoke is seen as a result of the improved combustion efficiency. Less hydrocarbons and particulate matter in your exhaust reduce the blocking of your Diesel Particulate Filter and using Diesel Extreme in your fuel has been shown to have 83% less DPF regenerations, saving you time and money. Increased cetane levels have also shown to improve fuel mileage and power. Fleet tests with Diesel Extreme have shown an improvement in fuel mileage up to 7.3% due to the combination of our injector cleaner and cetane improver. This combination is also responsible for restored throttle response.

Diesel Extreme contains a neutral lubricity additive for fuel pump and injectors that has a proven a wear scar reduction of 60µm in ASTM D6079 test. A Military grade non-alcohol-based water dispersant lowers the freeze point of water in fuel over 32°F over competitors water dispersants. With the condensed water in the fuel removed, the major cause of rust, icing in cold weather and the growth of microorganisms in warm weather is inhibited. Diesel Extreme also contains a package that inhibits rust and corrosion in the tank and lines and has a NACE corrosion test rating of A. To round out the package, a specialty fuel stabilizer was chosen that contains anti-oxidants, metal deactivators and dispersants.

Official OSU Test Results »

Tech. Data



No other diesel oil or fuel additive has a better guarantee than Hot Shot’s Secret products. If our products do not deliver as promised, then we will give you your money back. End of story.

Common Questions About Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme

Whether you’re a business owner or truck driver, protecting your fuel system and components is an important step to take. Determine if Diesel Extreme is right for you by reading these answers to commonly asked questions.

How do you use extreme diesel?

Diesel Extreme sould be use once ever 6,000 miles to deep clean your injectors and fuel system. 16 ounces will treat 40 gallons of diesel fuel. Diesel Extreme can be used more often without issue, the powerful injector cleaner, will last approximately 6,000 miles. Use Everyday Diesel Treatment or Diesel Winter Anti-Gel between uses of Diesel Extreme.

How often should you use diesel fuel additives?

Diesel additives should be used at each fill-up, from day one of any diesel vehicle. Diesel is not as refined as gasoline and can fall short in many areas. The lack of cetane and lubricity being two key factors. All Hot Shot’s Secret diesel-only additives provide a full spectrume of protections and benefits. Everyday Diesel Treatment will be the main product you use at most fill-ups, to provide the best performance and protects your diesel.

Some companies, meaning the engine makers, suggest occasional use. Others, such as many transportation fleet managers, recommend regular use as a form of preventive maintenance.

Each of our products has instructions for how often and how much to use. You can mix Hot Shot’s Secret additives into your fuel when you:

– Notice extreme cold has affected your engine’s start or performance: Reach for our Diesel Winter Anti-Gel formula to keep fuel from gelling and increase cetane for easier starting. have fuel that has gelled our specially crafted Winter Rescue blend quickly re-liquifies gelled fuel and de-ices frozen fuel filters.
– Fill your tanks: Add our Everyday Diesel Treatment, designed for regular use with each fill-up, to boost cetane and lubricity resulting in increased fuel economy.
– Need extra lubrication for critical parts: Check out our LX4 Lubricity Extreme to keep things running smoothly. This formula is compatible with all other Hot Shot’s Secret fuel additives and is infused in Everyday Diesel Treatment.

Can I use too much diesel extreme?

We have tested with 10 times the recommended dosage of Diesel Extreme with no issues. Over usage is just wasteful, as the strong formulation already push the boardries of diminishing returns. The powerful injector cleaner in Diesel Extreme will last approxately 6,000 miles. Use Everyday Diesel Treatment or Diesel Winter Anti-Gel between uses of Diesel Extreme.

Why Does Your Diesel Engine Need Additives?

Diesel is heavier than other fuels, meaning it is likely to go off-spec. Since there are several components to diesel, you need to ensure they all act in accordance to keep the fuel system running correctly. Some of the properties additives can help control include:

Cetane rating.
Cold weather performance.
– Additionally, many people choose to store diesel for an extended period. Additives can protect the diesel’s stability and prevent gelling in cold weather when you store it.


What Does Diesel Extreme Do?

Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme is an additive that can perform up to six jobs. You can use it to remove deposits and build-up harmful to the tank, lines, injector tips and pumps. It can also increase the performance of cetane and act as a water dispersant and fuel stabilizer.

Does Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Fuel Additive Work?

We formulate our additive with a specialized detergent to ensure it cleans and removes IDIDs and EDIDs. It cleans and enhances your entire fuel system. Your diesel truck can have better performance and a prolonged lifespan with everything our formula can do. You can experience less wear and see improvements in your machine when you use Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme every 6000 miles.

Are Diesel Additives Any Good?

Diesel additives like Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme can provide several benefits, making them worth it for anyone who invests. Whether you have a fleet of machines or just one pickup truck, diesel additives can help keep your fuel systems running smoothly. When your fuel system runs correctly, you’ll experience additional advantages, like reduced maintenance time and better mileage.

What Are the Benefits of Diesel Fuel Additives?

Diesel fuel additives offer many benefits for your engine, including:

– Improved fuel consumption
– Protection against wear and tear
– Lower maintenance needs
– Better engine performance

Can Diesel Additives Void Your Car’s Warranty?

Hot Shot’s Secret guarantees our diesel fuel additives won’t void or affect your warranty in any way. That doesn’t mean we can prevent robocalls about your vehicle warranty expiring, though — just know they have nothing to do with using our products.

Learn More About Diesel Extreme Today

If you have any additional questions about Hot Shot’s Secret Diesel Extreme additive, feel free to contact us today. Our expert staff is proud to assist you with finding the right additive and providing more information about any of our products.

Ready to order now? Add Diesel Extreme, in sizes of 16 ounces to 5 gallons, to your cart. You can also call us at 1-800-341-6516 to ask about case-quantity discounts.