Standards are good, and of course necessary. When it comes to standards we have to ask ourselves “Who set these standards, and why?” If your engine is properly protected from excess wear and tear then why does it still eventually succumb to wear and tear? The answer is simple. Standards were set in building your vehicles engine and we accept them. Your engine is considered protected if small wear metal particles are filtered. The reality is most engine wear is caused by particles smaller than 10 microns. These particles are suspended in the oil inside of your engine and cause serious damage to the inside of the mechanical parts. However, the standard only requires filtering down to 12-15 microns. That’s the problem with standards.
At LSI we question standards, especially if those standards are holding your engine back from being the long lasting, high performance beast it was designed to be. When you let particles 3 -5 microns inside your It is widely accepted that your fuel economy drops in the winter, but do you know the reasons why? It starts with the refinery; they mix the fuel with kerosene so it can flow through the pipeline during the cold weather. Starting in October fuels have less BTU’s (British Thermal Unit). This means it takes more energy to burn the fuel. In return, your engine isn’t running as efficiently as it was designed to. A more obvious reason to why your engine does not run as efficiently in the winter is the effect cold air has on your engine. So why does cold air make the difference? On top of the Low standards result in damaged engines. 2 In the cold, fuel economy really suffers. engine, you’re putting an early expiration date on it. There is nothing you can do to reverse that damage. You can however, prevent that damage from ever happening. “We have the solution to making your engine have the longest engine life.” states LSI CEO Chris Gabrelcik. LSI has reengineered the Frantz Filter System. This filter system filters out wear metals and other particles down to two microns, leaving your engine protected and most of all running like the day you bought it.
Originally published in LSI Innovation Magazine – Issue 102