
Title Sponsorship of the 2023 NHRDA Diesel Drag Racing & Sled Pulling

December 9, 2022

Mount Gilead, OH (December 9, 2022) — Hot Shot’s Secret, a leader in diesel motorsports and industry-leading fuel and oil additive manufacturer, is pleased to announce the title sponsorship of the National Hot Rod Diesel Association (NHRDA) series. NHRDA, billed as the world’s largest diesel organization, promotes diesel events throughout North America including diesel drag racing, sled pulling, show ‘n shines, dyno competitions, and burnout competitions.

At this time, NHRDA has committed to five events scheduled to occur in April, May, June, July, and September.  The series will open with the Desert Diesel Nationals at Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park in Chandler, AZ, followed by the Nor Cal Diesel Rally at Redding Dragstrip in Redding, CA, Canadian Diesel Shootout at Mission Raceway in Mission BC, and the Big Sky Truck Fest at Yellowstone Dragstrip in Billings, Montana. The NHRDA World Finals will have competitors from all over the world coming to compete such as Canada, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Thailand, and the USA. The NHRDA World Finals will be held September 15-17 at the Texas Motorplex in Ennis, Texas.

Diesel TV will have complete and live coverage of all NHRDA events in 2023 with instant replays, four camera angles, and commercial breaks.

Classes and rules will be similar to the NHRDA rules published prior to 2018 including meeting NHRA and IHRA safety requirements. New rules and classes will be released by January 10, 2023, and will be available online at

Hot Shot’s Secret Director of Branding & Promotions, Kyle Fischer, says, “We are incredibly pleased to see NHRDA return to the diesel competition stage with multiple series and huge plans for 2023. Hot Shot’s Secret’s core audience is diesel competitors and enthusiasts, so we will always be where the action is when it comes to top-tier diesel competition.”

Drag Race Classes planned for 2023 include Top Diesel, Pro Stock, Pro Street, Hot Rod Semi Truck, Super Street (5.90 index), 6.70 index, Super Diesel (7.70 index), Sportsman, and Big Rig Bracket. Sled Pulling Classes are Super Stock Diesel Truck, Pro Stock Diesel Truck, and Limited Pro Stock Diesel Truck.

Hot Shot’s Secret manufactures some of the nation’s top-selling diesel additive products including the number one diesel additive in the USA – EDT (Everyday Diesel Treatment), Diesel Extreme, and EDT+ Winter Defense a new winter fuel additive that has many of the properties associated with EDT plus added lubricity and anti-gel properties to prevent diesel fuel from icing or gelling.

Hot Shot’s Secret and NHRDA will host a co-joined press conference at the 2022 Performance Racing Industry (PRI) Show on Friday, February 9 at 3:00 p.m. EST to give more details about the title sponsorship and NHRDA plans for the 2023 season in booth #4005. The press conference will be co-hosted by NHRDA Director, Randy Cole and Kyle Fischer.

Cole says, “NHRDA is evolving, and we are more than excited to be back in the business of event competition. We have updated our website and are bringing back Diesel TV so that all our fans can stay tuned to what is happening throughout the year. This year, we will have fewer events with a focus on the west coast, and new for 2023 there will be a team competition between the Outlaw Diesel Super Series (ODSS) and NHRDA competitors for a true world championship title. Hot Shot’s Secret was our title sponsor back in 2018 and we are super excited to once again partner with them for the 2023 season.”

To learn more about Hot Shot’s Secret’s full line of diesel, racing, or preventative maintenance products and motorsports sponsorships, visit To speak directly with one of Hot Shot’s Secret’s highly qualified technicians, call toll-free 800-341-6516. Keep up with the latest Hot Shot’s Secret company and product news on Facebook and Instagram, or by following #hotshotsecret.