
Sponsorship of Corona Lockdown Online Practice Tree Challenge

May 6, 2020

Hot Shot’s Secret announces sponsorship of the Corona Lockdown Online Practice Tree Challenge, a Facebook challenge game open to all drag racers and enthusiasts missing the sport who would like to join this private group. The only question to join the now 1,200 member strong private Facebook group is – What is your perfect reaction time?

Hot Shot’s Secret Director of Sales Kyle Fischer explains how the Corona Lockdown Online Practice Tree Facebook group was formed, “One Sunday afternoon a little over 6 weeks ago, Blase Raia and Bob Welsch, long-time friends and fellow drag racers were catching up over the phone when Bob asked what do you think about creating an online practice tree challenge, since all the tracks are currently closed. Blase loved the idea, they hammered out the details, and the Corona Lockdown Online Practice Tree League was formed. I heard about the event from Chris Mancini, one of our sponsored racers, and jumped on board immediately along with Jones Transmission Cooling Systems as a sponsor.”

“We thought maybe some locals here in Pennsylvania may join and have a little fun, but it blew up beyond our wildest expectations and currently there are over 1,200 members from all age groups,” said Blase. “Initially, we chose to have five run weeks held like a drag series with points leading to winners, then broadcasting results each Saturday night on Facebook Live. Because demand has been so high, an extension of another five weeks of racing has been added as single day races held each Wednesday. Tune in to the final race on Facebook live Wednesday May 27.”

Because the events are sponsor funded, there have been numerous shootouts, jackpots and prizes that have been given away throughout these many weeks of racing, with the Grand Prize compliments of Mutt & Jeff Promotions that involves a weekend of buybacks valued at $450. “We were really excited to become a part of the Corona Lockdown Online Practice Tree Challenge. What a great concept,” said Fischer . “As a drag racer, I understand the frustration of all those racers out there on lockdown and jumped at the chance to be a part of this cool concept. We put together a bunch of prize packages including our Stiction Eliminator, FR3 Friction Reducer, T-Shirts, and Hand Sanitizer that we are now producing in-house. We’ve made new friends for life, and in the process have introduced our line of engine oil and additive products to a whole new audience.”

“Blase and I both were introduced to racing by our Dad’s when we were quite young, and it’s definitely in our blood. This online Corona Lockdown Practice Tree Challenge simulates the starting line of a drag event, and who knew it would become so popular,” said Bob Welsch. “It started with just an idea in my head, and has turned into so much more! It has turned into some amazing friendships, bonds and even business relationships, and quite frankly I cannot wait to get back out to the track and meet so many of these new friends I’ve made who, like me and Blase have drag racing in our blood.”

For more information on the Corona Lockdown Online Practice Tree Challenge click here. For more information on Hot Shot’s Secret’s high performance engine oils and additives visit To speak directly with a Hot Shot’s Secret highly qualified technician, call toll free 800-341-6516. Keep up with the latest Hot Shot’s Secret company and product news on Facebook and Instagram, or by following #hotshotsecret.