
Getting a “Beach Body”

May 15, 2015

Wouldn’t it be nice to just do one or two great workouts and have your dream beach body for summer? Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. Even if you’ve achieved your goal of having your body ready for the beach this summer you still have to maintain your physique by exercising at least 3 to 4 times a week. Your truck is the same way; you can get your truck’s engine in great shape with Stiction Eliminator and Diesel Extreme. The miles you put on your engine this summer hauling you, your family, the camper and whatever else you choose to bring to your favorite beach or camp ground will wear down your engine. It won’t have the same physique that it had at the beginning of the summer!

Keep your engine’s strength this summer by using Hot Shot’s Secret Everyday Diesel Treatment with every fill up. EDT improves power, stabilizes fuel, adds lubricity, and prevents rust and corrosion. So your truck will have the same power hauling that camper in August as it did in June. Don’t let your truck get out of shape this summer, use EDT with every fill up!